Gifts for Maasai mamas
It takes a village to raise a child. In a Maasai village, the task of raising children is approached by co-wives as a team. Chores and resources are shared amongst the women. As Maasai women age and their co-wives women pass away, they can become the sole providers of up to 15 dependants or more. Instead of the village raising the children, one woman may be raising the village alone.
One of the ripple effects of the pandemic are that many of our Maasai mamas are unable to make the same income previously used to support their village. Some of the women have given up additional income streams that required them to be in town, in exchange for the safety of their isolated villages. Some women are receiving less work from Sidai due to the reduced workflow during these uncertain times.
What started as a Mother’s Day campaign in 2020 called Mama’s Day has continued to positively impact the women to this day. We continue to ask our followers to be the village that supports our Maasai mamas in this time. We ask that you help us ease the burden of caring for her village and lighten her load for a week or a month, if you can.
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